Rovio closes its London studio

The organization behind the hit mobile game Angry Birds has shut its London studio, subsequent to warning its profits were probably going to fall.

Rovio’s head of games, Wilhelm Taht, additionally resigned on Friday, leaving CEO Kati Levoranta in control.

The Finnish games company has cautioned that its brand licensing incomes could decrease 40% this year.

It has blamed extreme competition and higher promoting costs for the poor viewpoint.

Rovio’s London studio was opened in 2017 and the company opened up to the world in September about a valuation of £786m.

Be that as it may, on 22 February, the Finnish games creator issued a profit warning that made its shares drop by half.

Declaring the closure of its London studio, Rovio said it needed to focus on its studios in Finland and Sweden.

The company had utilized seven games developers in London.

Rovio saw fast development after it launched Angry Birds in 2009, yet it made a critical loss in 2015 and cut 33% of its staff.

In 2016, its Angry Birds motion picture earned £254m in silver screens and restored sales of the game.

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