A man in Pennsylvania, US has been charged with homicide after he admitted to the police that he cut the brakes of his girlfriend’s car in order to make a crack pipe.
The boyfriend has been identified as 39-year-old John Jenkins and the deceased as 38-year-old Tammy Fox.
Mr. Jenkins has been held without bail by the Pennsylvania state police.
Tammy Fox died after her car swerved off the road, striking a tree and parked cars.
Three of the brake lines in Tammy’s vehicle had been cut, revealed by a police investigation.
Mr. Jenkins is to appear in court in September.
The Pennsylvania state police didn’t reply to the immediate requests for comments on the case.
The Scranton Times-Tribune reported that a witness cited in the criminal complaint said that Fox’s vehicle appeared to be travelling at almost 80 kmph and that the brake lights of her car flashed on and off just prior to the crash.
Fox was pronounced dead at the Geisinger Community Medical Center in Scranton.
As per the court papers, Fox and Mr. Jenkins were together the night before the accident took place.
According to the locak media, Mr. Jenkins told the Pennsylvania state police that Fox was “driving him crazy” looking for a pipe to smoke crack.
Mr. Jenkins reportedly told the state police that he cut the brakes of Fox’s car while looking for a piece of metal to use.
According to a fundraising page set up by Fox’s family, Fox is survived by her five children.