Google could be going to fan out into a field that the American firm is yet to rule: video games. In fact, Google is supposedly building up a subscription-based games streaming service, open by means of its Chromecast digital media player or perhaps another console, as indicated by media site The Information.
The project, codenamed “Yeti,” would evidently give users a chance to play cloud-based games installed on a remote machine. Google’s thought is basically to construct a streaming platform, like Steam or Playstation Now, and accessible as effortlessly as possible. It could, in fact, be available specifically by means of Google’s Chromecast media player, for instance, a gadget that gives users a chance to stream content from different mobile devices (PC, smartphone, tablet) to a TV over Wi-Fi. This solution would have the benefit of making the platform available anywhere with an internet connection. Another probability, proposed by The Information, could be the arrival of a Google’s first gaming console.
The truth will surface eventually whether Google would one be able to day turn into a tenable contender for Sony or Nintendo. More news could come when the E3 video games appear, which runs June 12-14 in Los Angeles.