Dr CK Narayan of Chart Advise has buy call on PC Jeweller Ltd. BSE 2.45 % with a target price of Rs. 405 . The current market price of PC Jeweller Ltd. is Rs. 407. Time period given by analyst is Intra Day when PC Jeweller Ltd. price can reach defined target. Dr CK Narayan recommended to keep stoploss at Rs 385.
PC Jeweller Ltd., incorporated in the year 2005, is a Large Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 15608.58 Crore) operating in Gems and Jewellery sector.
PC Jeweller Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include Diamonds/Gems/Jewellery which contributed Rs 8104.58 Crore to Sales Value (100.00 % of Total Sales) for the year ending 31-Mar-2017.
For the quarter ended 30-09-2017, the company has reported a Standalone sales of Rs 2622.32 Crore, up 23.98 % from last quarter Sales of Rs 2115.07 Crore and up 20.61 % from last year same quarter Sales of Rs 2174.29 Crore Company has reported net profit after tax of Rs 150.59 Crore in latest quarter.
Source: EconomicTimes